Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday

This is a picture from a vigil held to remember and honor the victims of Colombia's armed conflict. We sang: "Our Father of the Poor and Marginalized." On this Good Friday, we remember Jesus; who was also a victim of hatred, violence, and fear. Today we live into the reality of the world we live in, and mourn. 

Father, Forgive them, for they know not what they do.   

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Maundy Thursday

Preparations are underway for the celebration of the Passover meal that will be held tonight at Vida Nueva (New Life) Lutheran Church in Bogota, Colombia. We were in charge of making the Charoset (apple salad), for the meal.

On this Maundy Thursday we lift up in prayer all those gathering all around the world to break bread together. We especially lift up all those suffering from food insecurity. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


This photo is from a workshop with the community in Medellin about reconciliation and the context of the peace agreements between the govt. and the FARC. We were closing the day with a trust activity, that our compañeros (companions) would help hold us up when we needed support.

This Holy Tuesday we pray for all those working for peace in Colombia and around the world. Help to always pray: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. 

Photo by Pastor John Hernández and blog by Curtis

Monday, March 26, 2018


This photo is from an activity I led at one of the Lutheran Schools with the elementary students. Every student made a creation wheel showing the different moments of creation. This Holy Week I am reminded of God's consistency. God created the world and God created us, and God said: it is good.

This Holy Monday we pray for the Lutheran Schools in Colombia and in the world. We pray for all students and all educators.

Photo and blog by Katie

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Last night, with representatives of various church groups and other community groups from an area of Bogota called Suba, we held a video forum. We watched Gandhi, then discussed the possibilities for the communities they represented to implement non-violent resistance tactics to improve the quality of life in their communities. In the struggle for the promised abundant life, the Holy Spirit is found.

Blog by Curtis, photo taken by Abilio Peña

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Breaking bread together

As we enter into Holy Week, we are reminded of the Last Supper. One of the places I know the Holy Spirit is always present is when we break bread together. In Colombia, bread is very common. It is normal for people to gather and have bread and coffee together, and the bread here is delicious! This picture was from a recent trip to El Cocuy (Boyaca region), you can see some of the variety of bread and definitely the abundance.

Blog and photo by Katie

Friday, March 23, 2018

Belky Hernandez

Accompanying lives and transforming paths...These are the children from Sunday School (but held on Saturday) from the mission "The Grace" in Bucaramanga (Eastern Region).

Photo and blog from Belky Hernandez, Sunday School teacher in Bucaramanga and National Coordinator for the Education Ministry.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Cristian Bernal

The Holy Spirit acts and moves in these beautiful children from the mission of Santiago Apostol (Apostle James) in Yopal (region Llanos of IELCO). We teach the children from a very young age to pray for the needs of others, other churches and our church.

Photo and blog by Cristian Bernal, leader in Yopal.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Marian Coy

We find the Spirit of God in the the wisdom of our friends, in sharing a meal, and in the enjoyment of life.

Photo and blog submitted by Marian Coy, coordinator of the national youth ministry of IELCO.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Cristina Pineros

The love in he family is a gift from God. As a family, we are filled with hope as we wait the birth of a new baby. With the continued guidance from the Holy Spirit the family grows and shares in the faith.

Blog by Cristina Pineros, CELCO (Lutheran School), Sogamoso, Boyaca, photo submitted by Cristina

Sunday, March 18, 2018


The Holy Spirit has been moving in the meetings that have been happening this weekend as the National Consejo of IELCO has been meeting and making decisions. Please keep IELCO in your prayers and ask for the continued guidance of the Holy Spirit for this church.

Photo and blog by Katie. Photo is of the opening devotion of the consejo (mini-assembly). Pastor Atahualpa leading at the church San Juan in Piedecuesta, eastern region.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Photography and Peace

This photo is of a recent workshop about photography for social change with the House of Reconciliation and Peace Education in Medellin. The participants are practicing new techniques for taking photos. In the action of learning new skills, and new ways for promoting peace, the Holy Spirit is present.

Photo and blog by Curtis.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pastor John Hernández

"We are the work of the Spirit, which makes us a community, allows us to meet, share our joys and sorrows, share our needs and assets, share the table, share life."

This photo is of members from the Emmaus Lutheran Church in Medellín, together on a picnic during the confirmation process.

Blog and photo submitted by Pastor John Hernández

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Airet Arciniegas

The Holy Spirit is present in the nature God created. This picture was taken during the celebration of International Women's Day with the women's ministry group of Vida Nueva, Bogota.

Photo and blog by Airet Arciniegas, Vida Nueva, Bogota

Monday, March 12, 2018

Elizabeth Arciniegas

The joy of the Spirit is manifested when women of faith: share time together, pray together, and when they enjoy and are grateful for God's beautiful creation.

Blog by Elizabeth Arciniegas, photo submitted by Elizabeth, taken during the celebration of International Women's Day with the women's ministry group of Vida Nueva, Bogota.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Giving Thanks

This is a picture from our office devotions last week, the hymn we sang together: "Thank you, Lord". We sang all 7 verses, and while we sang I felt the Holy Spirit with us. I felt us change from singing words of thanks to actually meaning the words we were singing, our hearts were changed as we sang thanks to God.

Photo and blog by Katie

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Conflict and Peace

At a meeting with a group of seminarians from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, discussing the context of Colombia and the efforts of peace-building of DIPAZ. They came to Colombia as part of a trip to study conflict and peace. In conversations like this, of dreaming of how the world could/should be, I feel the Holy Spirit present and moving.

Blog by Curtis, photo by Jenny Neme of JustaPaz/DIPAZ

Friday, March 9, 2018

Mauricio Mendez

The Holy Spirit moving in the office yesterday during the celebration of International Women's Day.

Photo and blog by Mauricio Mendez, intern for IELCO

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Pastor Eduardo

The Spirit of God guides the teachers of the San Lucas school to promote the values of respect, commitment and honesty among students. This picture was taken at a training.

Photo and blog by Pastor Eduardo Martinez, Director of the Lutheran School of Theology

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Alexandra Nossa

I see the presence of the Holy Spirit in the enthusiastic and confident faces of the participants who receive scholarships. Despite their economic needs and social conflicts, they reflect the hope of a more just world.

Photo and blog by Alexandra Nossa, Project Coordinator for the Scholarship Program of Fundación Camino de Emmaús

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Pastor Consuelo Preciado

Recognizing the movement of the Holy Spirit is seen many times as the waters of this river, calm and still, but running. Sometimes, some of its mysteries are not seen, but are deep, we do not know how it is. We do not know what the Holy Spirit is; but we know this if we immerse ourselves in the Spirit and enter the water we will know more. This is how the Holy Spirit is in the community, sometimes we do not measure everything the Spirit is and everything the Spirit does for us, or recognize that the Holy Spirit is always moving.

Photo River Tate in Casanare, Photo and blog by Pastor Consuelo Preciado

Monday, March 5, 2018

Lira Isabel Fernández

Sharing as a family and enjoying the work of the Creator God, I feel the care and manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

Photo and blog by Lira Isabel Fernández, Member of Vida Nueva, Bogota

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Celebrating the International Women's Day

Today, IELCO celebrated the International Women's Day with a special worship service for the women. The worship service was in Castillo Fuerte (Almighty Fortress) led by the 3 women pastors of the Central Region: (as pictured left to right) Pastor Angelica, Pastor Rocio, and Pastor Consuelo. Women from many of the congregations in Bogota attended, there weren't enough chairs for all - what a great problem to have! The Holy Spirit was definitely present!

Photo and blog by Katie

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Water is Life

Part of the EcoVida (environmental) project of IELCO in Boyaca was the protection of the source of a river. The project finished in December of 2017. Water is life, and the Holy Spirit continues to move in this community even though the project has concluded.

Photo and blog by Curtis.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Miledis Guevara

The participants of The True Vine (project of IELCO) learning sign language so they can communicate or communicate with a hearing impaired family member. The Holy Spirit moves in this space.

Photo and blog by Miledis Guevara, Coordinator of The True Vine

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Ana Mendivelso

The Holy Spirit always accompanies us in the beginning, during and after in our work with the communities. This year a new project started with teenage girls in the south of Bogota with "Lluvias de Gracia" in the neighborhood of Porvenir.

Blog and photo by Ana Mendivelso, Coordinator of the program "projecting myself a future"