Thursday, June 27, 2019

Goodbye and Hello

The stories and memories from our lent photo a day series were to help us both remember and share many of the stories of what we have experienced over these last five years in the accompaniment of the IELCO in Colombia. Lent is long over and we are now into Pentecost.

We had every intention of writing more on this blog, however, life became a little busier than we anticipated as we packed up in Colombia and transitioned back to the US. We have been in the US now a little over a month and are adjusting well to life in this country. Saying goodbye was difficult and we already miss a lot of Colombia, especially our friends and colleagues.

We thank all of you for accompanying us during our time in Colombia. Thank you for your prayers, for your communication, and for your support, financial and other. All of those stories and all the rest over these last five years were made possible because of your generosity in supporting us. 

We look forward to moving to Colorado in August. Please stay in touch.

The IELCO central office gave is the poster of caricatures of all of us who work out of the central office as our going away present.
If you want to read the last newsletter we sent out, here is a link.