Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Equipping Ourselves in Faith and Freedom to Serve and Transform

Last weekend we held the National Sunday School teachers retreat. The retreat focused on different ways to live into the freedom we have as Christians, and how we can use that freedom to serve and transform ourselves, our communities, and the world.

So much happened in the three days of the retreat, that it could not all fit in one blog. I have done my best to summarize the highlights of the weekend and share some of my best photos. Enjoy!

One of the highlights of the weekend was a play that this very talented group of youth wrote just for the retreat. They took the story of the feeding of the 5000, and wrote a play about caring for the needs of others based on that story. 
The theater group also led a few sessions on acting basics. All the participants were very interested to learn new ways to be creative and new ways to teach through acting. The activity in the picture was "mirroring" where we had a team up and act as mirrors to our partners (it's harder than you would expect). 

Of course we had worship. Pastor Nelson preached and lead the other "pastoral duties" throughout the weekend. 

At the end of worship, the organizing team, which is made up of leaders from every region. These people have many responsibilities for Christian formation throughout the year. Left to right: Miguel (regional coordinator in Boyaca), Mauricio (coordinator of pre-adolescents), Pastor Nelson, Judith (regional coordinator in Plains), Belky (regional coordinator of eastern region), Mauricio (volunteer for everything Education), me, Carolina (regional coordinator in south central, and the newly elected national coordinator), Zulma (national coordinator for Christian Formation) (and missing from the photo Stella - coordinator in north central)

We divided into groups to rotate through different stations, each station working through a part of freedom (the theme of the weekend). This photo was from my station where we discussed that through our freedom we commit to serving in the church - using our gifts. (Because I was in charge of one of the stations, I don't have pictures of the others). 

Through donations, we always give the congregations who participate in these spaces materials so they can continue to do the work in their congregations. Pictured is one representative from each of the congregations receiving their material - there were 15 different congregations which participated in the retreat (not pictured Socota).  

The whole group! It was a fun, learning filled, weekend. (Picture by one of the staff at the retreat center). 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Lutheran Solidarity

Last week, the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM) held a series of trainings for the Colombian, Venezuelan, and Bolivian Lutheran churches.  FELM invited me to facilitate trainings on two of their focus areas: conflict analysis and climate change. The goal is that all new projects supported by FELM will have components that address thesefocus areas.

Members of all 3 churches discussing different types of projects that deal with climate change. Photo by Riikka Leskinen.

 The members from the different countries were able to talk about the realities in their different contexts, their struggles and their dreams, as well as how to be church together. Conversations were had about the different impacts of a changing climate that have been witnessed in the different countries, as well as different aspects of conflicts that are experienced in the different countries. Processes to continue sharing experiences and knowledge have already been developed between the churches.

Members at the training in an activity about the connections of creation, when one part of the yarn is plucked, all can feel it.
Photo by Riikka Leskinen.

Discussing all of the different connections in nature. Photo by Riikka Leskinen.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

National Teachers Gathering

In Colombia there are four Lutheran Schools: in Bogota, Sogamoso, El Cocuy, and Paz de Ariporo. These are spread out throughout the country, and because of the distance between the schools, they seldom interact. Last October, we (the Ministry of Education) brought all the teachers from all the schools together for a day. It was a huge success and the teachers requested it be an annual event. Last Friday, we held the 2nd National Teachers Gathering. The goal of the day is three-fold: an element of education, an element of getting to know the other teachers from the other schools, and an element of fun!

The education piece of the Gathering was around the new Child Protection Policy of the church. The schools each have a similar policy already, but need to become familiar with the national policy and adapt their own policies accordingly. We had guest speakers from World Vision come in and talk about the importance of implementing these policies and really understanding why they are necessary.

Some of the teachers working in small groups, photo by Katie

The afternoon was made up of games and other activities for the professors to get to know each other and enjoy time together. There was a soccer game, volleyball game, painting nails, board games and I was in charge of a craft project. 

For the craft project we decorated candles. Everyone was very creative. Pictures on the left take by Katie, and on the right by Mauricio Mendez. 

Picture of all the teachers, photo by Katie

Teachers from El Cocuy (they each teach two grades), photo by Katie

Teachers from San Lucas in Bogota. The book they are holding is the new copy of the Child Protection Policy. Photo by Katie

Teachers from Sogamoso. Photo by Katie

Teachers from Paz de Ariporo, photo by Katie.