One of the things we do in Colombia is PME: planning, monitoring, and evaluation. This was a new concept to me when I first arrived, but is now part of the rhythm that I expect and look forward to. This is the time of year for evaluating the past year, the projects we did, and the goals we set for the year. The whole time we are asking the questions, how did we do and what can we learn?
Part of the group - photo credit Jorge Diaz |
The Education Ministry of IELCO met as a whole team to go through the evaluation process. The ministry is made up of five components: The Lutheran School of Theology, The Road to Emmaus Foundation, CELCO - Lutheran Schools, Christian Formation, and Leadership and Formation. People from each of these different components were present.
The rest of the group - photo credit Jorge Diaz |
It was a great day with a lot of amazing work done throughout the year. The team also began to dream for how they want to move forward and made goals for the coming year.