I know, some of you (or most of you) are thinking it is the
wrong time of the year for this….but last week and part of this week is
Vacation Bible School (VBS) [9 days here!]. I have been helping with the VBS in Porvenir, a congregation
in the south of Bogota, where I have been helping with the women’s ministry. The
women’s ministry is hosting the VBS, which is how I got involved, and I am so glad
I have!
The week has been exhausting (to say the least), but also
overflowing with love and laughter. In a lot of ways the VBS is very similar to
a VBS in the states with songs, kid-style worship, crafts, games, and of course
snacks. I have been in charge of the games for the week. It’s been fun and
tricky for me. Some days have gone really well, and others, well, not quite as
well, but still fun. Wednesday last week I divided the older kids up into two
teams, boys vs. girls, for the game. Each group made a human knot, and had a
race to see which group could untangle first. I really like doing this game as
a race, in my experience girls-groups tend to do better (which I think is
extremely important to their self-esteem and confidence in such a patriarchal
society), and that is exactly what happened on Wednesday, the girls won by a
long shot! The girls came over to tell me that they had won; I congratulated
them, and told them how well they had worked together, and how proud of them I
was. That was exactly the right thing to do, the girls had been very shy to
talk to me before, but immediately they realized I liked them (and was happy
they had won)….they didn't leave my side the rest of the day. I immediately
felt like I was there for a reason. We spent the rest of the day talking about
anything they could dream up to ask me; from my favorite Colombian food, to
which I liked more: jeans or leggings!
If it's true, a photo is worth a thousand words, then some of my pictures from the week will say more than I can. It's been a great week!
The group of girls I really bonded with - pretty awesome young women! |
Juan Pablo making his penguin ornament (such cute crafts!) |
Some of the elementary school girls coloring (learning about communion) |
Me jumping rope with Kenia (in the purple) |
The youngest class (ages 2ish-4ish) |
The middle class (ages 5 - 8/9) |
The oldest class (ages 9 - 16) |