Thursday, March 17, 2016


Due to the:
  • recent violence and threats against political activists and human rights defenders in Colombia,
  • economic actions by the governmnet such as selling off public goods like energy, water and other public companies to foreign businesses, 
  • increasing the minimum wage by a barely noticeable amount, 
  • the non-completion of the agreement between the government and striking farmers of a few years ago,
  • amongst other things,
Public sector employees, unions, indigenous and afro-colombian groups, students, campesino (peasant farmer) associations, and other social movements have called into question the government's commitment to peace in Colombia. Today they started what is being called an indefinite national strike.

This is a quick video of noted politicians and activists (each have received threats from paramilitary groups) offering flowers to the police during the opening of the national strike. (Video from the Twitter account of Alirio Uribe Muñoz)