This photo was taken by Mauricio Mendez in the IELCO office
as we celebrated thanksgiving last week (no, it is not normally celebrated in
Colombia). I usually teach English classes on Tuesdays, so last week we
combined the classes and had a big pot-luck and all said what we are thankful
for (in English) as well as a short Bible study on thankfulness. This is a
great team to work with, and I am thankful for each of them. Also, there was
not one thing of a "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner: we had
meatballs and chicken, pumpkin bread, tomato and cucumber salad, mini
sandwiches, cheese and guava paste, potato chips, plantain chips, avocado
and coconut cookies.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! You, our readers,
are on the list of people we are thankful for. Many blessings to you all as we
start Advent.