Churches accompany
ex-combatant communities through delicate peace process
LEON, Colombia/GENEVA | Dec 21, 2018
Mayerlis serves woman leader Aida a meal of sarapa – rice and chicken wrapped in a Cachibou leaf. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert |
FARC ex-combatants
live fragile peace in Colombia
(LWI) In
the far northwest – long one of the country’s most precarious regions – the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Colombia (IELCO) supports communities
through a difficult and slow-moving peace process, to sustain peaceful efforts,
and alleviate the risk of relapse into violent conflict.
Accompanying more than 300 families in the
Antioquia area, ‘De la Guerra a la Paz’ is a project of IELCO, which is part of
the global ecumenical initiative ‘Waking the Giant’, of the Lutheran World Federation
(LWF). Officially launched in Colombia in November 2018, ‘Waking the Giant’
brings together an emerging platform of churches from a dozen Christian
traditions in Colombia, in joint efforts to help achieve the United Nations’
Agenda 2030, not least through the Sustainable Development Goal on peace,
justice and strong institutions.
“Peace is a big concept. Peace is education, peace is health, peace is life in dignity.” – Edwin Mosquera, project coordinator of De la Guerra a la Paz.
“When we arrived the community here didn’t know what to
expect. ‘Will there be conflict, or killings or threats?’,” says former
guerrilla commander Joverman Sánchez Arroyave, known by the name Rubén Cano in
the FARC guerrilla (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). “But there has
been none of that. We have come here to work, and to work together with the
community. That’s what we are doing.”
Rubén is one of a group of FARC ex-combatant families who have settled down for
a peaceful life in the valley of San José de León, municipality of Mutatá in
Antioquia in northwest Colombia. Together, they have purchased and now
cultivate 36 hectares of land.
But transitioning from guerrilla warfare to a
life in peace has not been an easy process. Two years after signing the peace
treaty with the Colombian government in 2016, ex-combatants continue to face
trauma, stigmatization, and insecurity.
Church project provides tools for peaceful
The Urabá region forms a strategically important corridor
for trade into Central America, and the resulting drug trafficking and arms
trade still keep armed groups active in the area. With a government slow in
fulfilling the promises of the peace treaty, and now a president who has argued
that the treaty is too lenient on former guerrillas, the situation is all but
“In the period the country is going through at the
moment, there are a number of challenges… the fulfilments of the promises by
the government have been very few and the development slow. So both the
ex-combatants and the communities where they are reintegrating need support,”
explains Edwin Mosquera, project coordinator of De la Guerra a la Paz (‘From
War to Peace’).
“As a church in this instance, we offer not so much
religious as we do practical accompaniment,” notes Rev. John Hernández, a
Lutheran pastor who accompanies the project. “We offer support on trauma
management, self-protection and legal issues.”
A growing community gives hope, while
testifying to deep challenges
“To forgive is to remember without pain,” says a man in
his mid-fifties, as sociologist Ana Eloísa Gómez leads a workshop with
community members on the topic of forgiveness and reconciliation.
“We know that there are many things that hurt, that keep
us apart. But maybe we can also think of things that unite us, that help keep
us together as a nation?” Gómez
A young girl plays by a wooden fence during the
workshop. It was a group of 27 ex-combatant families who first purchased the
lot of land in San José de León, moving in from nearby Córdoba to settle
alongside some 50 families of peasant farmers already living in the area.
Two years later, 50
ex-combatant families now live in the emerging community, which hosts a small
restaurant, various committees for community organization and development, and
which earns a living through agriculture, fish farming and poultry.

“Before, we saw
that most people had their children, but then had to hand them away directly to
the grandparents or the aunts, that the children never had the surnames from
their own parents – or they would have been persecuted, killed or kidnapped. Now,
I think it is very good, because some are reuniting with their children, and
today we don’t have this problem,” says one of the community’s women leaders,
But there’s also a difficult side to the story. “The first ones
who came here were those who were with comrade Rubén. Others decided to stay in
Córdoba,” Aida adds. “But then came the paramilitaries and drove them away from
the lands they were living on. And as they didn’t have any place to live, they
came here. You see, here we can give refuge to comrades who don’t have anywhere
to go."
“Seeing as, even though we are in a peace process, the government continues to be absent, what our project seeks to do is strengthen the steps for peace,” Mosquera says. “Peace is a big concept. Peace is education, peace is health, peace is life in dignity. In practical ways, this project has allowed us one of those small opportunities, to start to dream of building peace in Colombia.”

“I think this accompaniment is very interesting…
especially how you help us to better understand what was agreed by both
parties, the government and FARC, in the peace treaty,” Rubén says in
conclusion. “I dream that what was agreed in Havana, witnessed by the
international community, is fulfilled. That is the whole essence, to achieve
the political transformation that is needed in our country, including peace.”
Written for LWI by Albin Hillert, edited by LWF Communications.
All photos: LWF/Albin Hillert