Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Christian Formation Training

At the beginning of every year, we visit each of the regions to lead a workshop with the Sunday School teachers. The idea is to start the year well and start the year strong. This year was no exception. Last October, Carolina was elected as the coordinator of Christian Formation (the program that leads Sunday School). So this year, Carolina, Zulma (the former coordinator of Christian Formation and the current coordinator of Formation and Leadership) and I traveled together to lead these retreats.  

The theme this year was looking at the Sacraments, how many Sacraments to Lutherans recognize (and why not the others that the Catholic recognize) and what do we believe about Baptism and Communion (the two Sacraments). Each of the three of us took a part of the workshop to lead, as well as the regional coordinator in each region. Zulma led the introduction, I led the part going deeper in Baptism, and Carolina led the part going deeper in Communion. 

Zulma leading at the very beginning of the day to see what people knew about Sacraments. 

Carolina leading a game (similar to shoots and ladders but life size!)

The group in the Llanos Regions

The group in the Boyaca Region
The group from the Central region showing an mobile they made about communion

The group in the Central region again - at lunch (I have been practicing my "selfie" skills)

The group in the Eastern Region
 It has been a busy month to travel to each of the regions, but definitely worth it.