Thursday, March 14, 2019

Lent Photo a Day: Gabo

When we came to Colombia, Curtis accompanied Andres. One day, Andres didn't have anyone to watch his son, Gabriel (Gabo for short) and asked if I would be willing to. I, of course, said yes. This was while I was still learning Spanish, Gabo and I played all afternoon. I later learned that when he went home with his Dad he told his Dad that I spoke funny, his Dad tried to explain that I was learning Spanish, but Gabo didn't understand. A few months later we spent some more time together, and after that, he told his Dad that I spoke Spanish better. There was something about passing the test of a 4-year-old that I was so proud of! 

For those of you just joining, we are continuing our photo a day for Lent: A few years ago we started the tradition to post a picture a day during Lent. This Lent we will continue with the tradition focusing on "remembering". We have been in Colombia almost 5 years (where did the time go) and there are so many stories that haven't made it on the blog; short stories from the ordinary moments of life that we don't want to forget.