Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Mountains Are to the East

We have arrived in the beautiful city of Bogota, Colombia. The welcome we have received gives us much excitement and hope for the weeks, months and years ahead. Spending the day getting a little more familiar with our neighborhood and making introductions with our counterparts has been exciting. The Lutheran Church in Colombia is involved in many moving projects, from human rights to environmental issues, from HIV/AIDS to elderly care. I am eager to learn more about them and especially to begin to find the places where my skill-set could be beneficial in the human rights program. But for now Katie and I are enjoying the beginning of our experience.

Tonight, with a comfortable cool breeze in the air, and a rainbow shining through from a light drizzle earlier this evening, Katie and I are watching the sun set from the balcony of our temporary guest house.  Coming from Denver, Colorado we are used to watching the sun setting to the west, setting into the mountains. However, here the mountains (really everywhere) are to the East. The advice we were given in terms of orienting ourselves in the large city is to find the mountains and remember that is east. Hopefully we can remember this, and avoid the confusion of being lost as we look to the mountains with westward minds.

While there will be plenty of time to get lost, to learn the hard way, and break cultural taboos, Katie and I feel that we are in good hands. The warm welcome we are receiving has been openhearted and comforting. 

This photo is from our balcony at our temporary guest house, if you look closely there is a rainbow just left of center.